sunnuntai 22. elokuuta 2010

Unicorn Oracle Cards Mulla on tähän vihkonen, missä on enemmän tekstiä, mutta en jaksa kirjoittaa niitä. Menee ikä ja terveys. :D

Nämä kortit on tarkoitettu juuri niille henkilöille, jotka kokevat, että
nämä kortit loksahtavat.
Voin alkaa nostamaan enemmänki ja muitaki kortteja, mutta englanninkielisiä
mä en vielä jaksa kaikkia tekstejä kirjoittaa.
Mun pittääp katsoa parempi klo aika.


It´s Okay to Be Different

You don´t need to tbe like everyone else.
Youre perfect just as you are!

Just Be Yourself

You´re a great person -- enjoy being yourself!

Love Heals Fear

The power of your love can help bullies
and angry people to be less afraid.


What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true?

Let Go of Stress!

Don´t take on other people´s stress.
Breathe it out now.

Talk about Your Feelings

Tell a friend how you feel


You have a special bound with a grandparent
that can never be broken.

Love from Your Parents

No matter what, your mother and father love you as much as they can.


The best way to be good at a skill is to practice,
practice, practice until you it right.


You have the power to help and heal others.

Happy thoughts

To feel happier right now, think about a
memory or something else that makes you smile.

One Step at a Time

Lots of little steps make
big dreams come true.


The changes that you´re
going through are positive.

You´ll Know in the Morning

When you wake up, you´ll have a better
idea about what to do. Relax until then.


Think about the people
and things you feel grateful for.

Believe in Yourself!

See yourself doing well, and you will.

Definetely Yes

The answer to your
question is a strong "Yes!"

Listen to Your True Feelings

Don´t let others talk you into doing
something that you know is wrong.


<3 Ansku

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